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How to work with redis for test automation

3 minute read

Redis is a powerful in-memory data store that could be used for a variety of test automation use cases. In this post, we setup a redis server on an ubuntu VM...

Why automate tests early

8 minute read

A post on why test automation early and in parallel to the development cycle can help you scale faster and give better and quickly repeatable confidence over...

Mobile app testing checklist

5 minute read

A testers brain requires a lot of creativity and the no of scenarios that we test on a day to day basis are innumerable. Expecting the brain to remember all ...

The problem with titles for testers

4 minute read

An opinionated post on Why focussing on titles is an anti-pattern that should stop in the Testing world and how much better the industry if we all focussed a...

Understanding reporting and logging in TestNG

less than 1 minute read

TestNG is a popular test framework that needs no introduction in the JVM (Java virtual machine) ecosystem and can be used for automating your tests regardles...

Advice from a test journeyman

8 minute read

In this post, I want to share some of my mental models as a test journeyman with the hope that it gives some insight to people who are a bit new to the field...