I try to regularly share my knowledge with the Test automation community over at conferences. Please find the list of past talks below

Also, 🧏🏼‍♂️ Feedback is how we all learn, if you have some on these talks, do reach out!

On Talk slides: I have recently switched to using pure markdown and Mkdocs static site generator for some conference slides. You can view all of them on here


Mastering gRPC Testing: Write automated tests like a Pro

TribeQonf | In person | July 2024 | Proposal | slides

Salesforce Testing Guy Podcast - Software Testing Skills vs Designations

Salesforce Testing Guy Podcast | Online | March 2024 | Video


Kotlin for Test automation

Test Flix | Online | Oct 2022 | Proposal | slides | Video

Hello Espresso! Start with Android gray box automation

Selenium Conference | Online | July 29-30 2022 | Proposal | slides | Video


Hello Appium! Setting up your First Appium Tests efficiently

Appium Conference | Online | September 17-18 2021 | Proposal | slides | Video


How to build an automation framework with selenium: patterns and practices

Selenium Conference | Bengaluru | September 11 2020 | Proposal | slides | Video

Contract testing: Beyond Functional API tests

Automation Guild 2020 | Online | When: Feb 3-5 2020 | Slides | GitHub code | Video

You will have to purchase the Automation guild 2020 conference ticket to access this talk and a bunch of other ones as well.


How to kill test flake in Appium

Appium Conf, Bengaluru 2019 | When: June 13-15, 2019 | Proposal | Slides | Video